软木鼠 ruanmushu's profile

HNY! Animated e-Red Packet丨新年好!几个动态红包封面设计丨Illustration

新年好  画了动态红包封面
给大家拜年啦!龙年大吉~  祝大家新的一年诸事顺遂!

Happy New Year! I drew a dynamic electronic red packet cover.
I wish you all the best for the new year!  
^ ^

丨插画Illustration丨动效Motion丨创意Creative丨 —— By@软木鼠ruanmushu

In Chinese culture, red packets refer to red envelopes containing lucky money and are believed to bring good luck to the recipient.

During Chinese New Year, children can receive a looooot of red envelopes from adults, which is their richest time of the year. (Why did I suddenly "grow up" ...I was even just now putting new clothes on my toys.... T T)

Nowadays, "e-Red Envelopes" are very popular. Electronic red envelopes can be sent through popular platforms such as WeChat. People will send e-Red Envelopes to each other to express their blessings. People can design e-Red Envelope covers so that others can see your creativity when they receive the red envelopes.

Here is the dynamic cover design of e-red packet I made, wishing you all a happy new year and wishing you all the best. <( ̄︶ ̄)↗




Thanks!喜欢您来^ ^

丨Illustration 丨Motion丨Creative丨—— By@软木鼠ruanmushu
HNY! Animated e-Red Packet丨新年好!几个动态红包封面设计丨Illustration


HNY! Animated e-Red Packet丨新年好!几个动态红包封面设计丨Illustration
